Autodesk Autocad 2017 3d User Manual
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- Autocad 2017 3d Morden Drawing House
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Oct 5, 2016 - Welcome to The Hitchhiker's Guide to AutoCAD Basics—your guide to the basic commands that you need to create 2D drawings using. Chapter 2 The 3D Model. ADVANCE STEEL USER’S GUIDE Introduction This user guide is an. Advance Steel’s integration within the AutoCAD® user interface is.
General Information Launching AutoCAD Map 3D using Modified Shortcuts Do not launch AutoCAD Map 3D as vanilla AutoCAD via a compound command such as the “acad /p /t ” option. Please execute them separately the first time. Adding compound commands such as acad /p. /t.
/w. /b. ’ with a non-exist profile to Map 3D 2017 Desktop shortcut right click menu Properties Shortcut Target will also cause problems. Please use a separate command like ‘acad /p.’ the first time as well.
Running AutoCAD Map 3D as AutoCAD You can use the MENU command to run AutoCAD Map 3D as AutoCAD. To Run AutoCAD Map 3D as AutoCAD:. At the Command line, enter MENU. In the Select Customization File dialog box, select acad.CUIX.
AutoCAD Map 3D Developer Documentation The AutoCAD Map 3D 2017 Developer Documentation is not included in the product installation for this release. Check the web site for updated developer documentation. Industry Model Drawings You cannot open an industry model drawing in multiple applications at the same time. For example, you cannot open the same industry model drawing in Infrastructure Administrator twice without closing the first instance.
You cannot add a feature class based on a view that does not have an uppercase name. The view will not be listed in the view list in the Feature class form.
When opening a previously saved Industry Model drawing in AutoCAD Map 3D, if all layers are incorrectly displayed as read-only, it could be caused by an unclean close of AutoCAD Map 3D. This may result in temporary files not being deleted from a temporary folder upon exiting the AutoCAD Map 3D application. Note: This issue will only happen when at least one of your layers has defined a Calculated Property. To fix the problem:. Start the “Run” dialog and enter “%temp%” and click OK. Locate the folder named “Embedded”. (This folder can contain n-1 sub folders where temporary file(s) are stored.).
Remove all files and sub folders under the “Embedded” folder. Installing Side by Side with other Autodesk Products To avoid problems when installing or uninstalling previous versions of AutoCAD Map 3D or other Autodesk products use the desktop icon for Autodesk AutoCAD Map 3D 2017 the first time you start the program.
Topobase Client 2011 cannot start after Autodesk AutoCAD Map 3D 2017 is installed side by side. Topobase Client 2011 is not supported by Autodesk and we suggest you use the new versions of AutoCAD Map 3D. SQL Server Industry Model View The SQL Server view should have an uppercase name otherwise it will not be listed in the view list.
FDO ODBC You cannot select “identity” properties whose names contain,?, ',:,;. Dynamic Scale Bars There are several predefined, new scale bars provided for a user’s print layout. These scale bars are dynamic print layout elements. Once the scale bar is associated with a viewport, it dynamically updates its content according to the scale of the map in the viewport. When you update the properties of the scale bar the view of the map in the associated viewport changes according to the new scale ratio used. There are two types of dynamic scale bars – unconstrained and constrained. Each scale bar type displays map scaling changes in their associated viewports differently.
When using unconstrained scale bars, the vertical and horizontal sizes of all parts of the scale bar change as the scale of the map in the viewport changes. However, when using constrained scale bars, only the horizontal size changes while the vertical size remains unchanged. Note that both types of scale bars do not dynamically update the scale division. Nor do they update the scale of the map in the viewport when you change the size of the scale bar by using the SCALE command or by using the properties palette. They always reflect the correct scale of the map in the viewport as and when the scale changes. 3D View with Digital Elevation Models (DEM) When viewing digital elevation models in 3D mode they may show up incorrectly as a patch grid.
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Use the REGEN command to make the DEM view correctly. Spatial Indexing The SHP spatial index file (.idx) may be corrupted and the extents stored with it might not be correct. As a result, the layer extents will be clipped and polygons fills will be defective. The workaround is to manually remove the.idx file. It will be automatically regenerated when the layer is loaded.
Style and Label Editor When creating a theme, it is recommended that you do not specify expressions for Width/Height value of symbols in the Style and Label Editor itself. Use the ellipsis button instead to edit the expression. When you create a label for a point feature, you can add up to eight separate symbols. The symbols display in the preview as though they were stacked on top of each other.
However, in your map, the symbols will be clustered around the point features, without overlapping. Oracle When creating an Oracle datastore, if you use a name that has spaces in it, coordinate systems may be set incorrectly. Avoid using datastore names with spaces. IMAGEQUALITY In Map 3D 2017 the IMAGEQUALITY will affect how the drawing will look on the screen.
The side effect of the IMAGEQUALITY set to High is that at certain level of zoom the position of the individual pixels may vary while you are zooming in. If the pixel position is important for your specific workflow (for example, when you are lining-up vector and raster graphics) you need to set up your IMAGEQUALITY to Low. Default Sizes of North Arrows The default North Arrow print layout elements have been created using specific dimensions. When inserted into a paper space layout, the size of a default element may be too large or too small depending on the layout’s units and dimensions. After insertion it’s possible to resize the element to the appropriate size. If resizing is a common occurrence, it would be optimal to resize and save the element at that size for later use.
There are a few ways to handle this:. Modify the default symbol file containing the North Arrows. The file containing the North Arrows (blocks) are located within the application directory in the folder/file “.
Sample Symbols Map - North Arrows.dwg”. Modifying the blocks within this file will make the changes available through the default list of North Arrows in the user interface. Create a custom symbol file containing the modified North Arrows. Duplicate the file containing the North Arrows (blocks) which is located within the application directory in the folder/file “. Sample Symbols Map - North Arrows.dwg”.
Modify the blocks within this duplicated file. To insert one of these modified elements, select the “Load Custom North Arrow” menu item at the bottom of the list of North Arrow elements, select the duplicated symbol file, and then select the modified North Arrow from the list displayed. Insert North Arrow into a template (DWT).
Create or modify a drawing template with the settings commonly used. Insert a North Arrow into the paper space layout of the template, resize to the correct dimensions, and then save the template. Later, use that template when creating a new drawing or when adding a new paper space layout to the drawing.
Installation and Setup Note:. Uninstall and remove any AutoCAD Map 3D Napa Betas installations prior to installing AutoCAD Map 3D 2017. Installing them side by side will cause both applications to fail. Updating your supported operating systems prior to installation is recommended and can speed up the install process.
Installing AutoCAD Map 3D 2017 using the MSI file Installing AutoCAD Map 3D 2017 using the MSI file may result in an invalid installation. You must use the setup.exe file to install AutoCAD Map 3D 2017. Automatically Migrating Customized Settings You cannot migrate user profiles and CUI files from previous releases of AutoCAD Map 3D. Workspace information in AutoCAD Map 3D 2017 has been changed from previous releases of AutoCAD Map 3D. Deployment Installation on Windows 7 If you specify 'Program install folder' for 'Support Content' installation folders when creating deployment for AutoCAD Map 3D, you must launch it 'As Administrator' after installation. Otherwise, AutoCAD Map 3D will fail to run.
Reinstalling AutoCAD Map 3D 2017 If you installed Autodesk AutoCAD Map 3D 2017 from DVD media and need to reinstall for any reason, the reinstall process may prompt you to reinsert the disk, using various terms for the disk to be inserted. If the reinstall cannot finish, consider using the “repair” option instead of “reinstall”.
If you must reinstall, it may be helpful to uninstall first, and start a new installation. Installing multiple language versions of AutoCAD Map 3D 2017 side by side AutoCAD Map 3D 2017 does not support multiple language versions installed side by side. You can have only one language version of AutoCAD Map 3D 2017 on your machine. Feature Limitations and Notes Publishing Solid Filled Entities to Autodesk Infrastructure Map Server - solid fill entities slow to draw This issue pertains to the redrawing performance with DWG files containing solid fill entities that are published to Autodesk Infrastructure Map Server. When browsing the resulting map layout, zooms and pans can be slow if the viewing area has more than about 1000 solid fill Hatches or MPolygons.
If the solid fill entities are isolated to their own layers then a possible fix is to set these layers to a data source with different geometry mode. In Autodesk Infrastructure Studio, this can be done by the following steps:. Make a copy of the Data Source for the published DWG file. Open the copied Data Source. Download the configuration file. Edit the configuration file (with XML or text editor) and find: GeometryMode='1' Replace with: GeometryMode='0'. Upload the configuration file into the Copied Data Source and edit each layer, containing solid fill entities, and change the data source to the copy.
Note: If these layers contain other types of entities then these other entities might no longer appear as expected. This is due to the fact that GeometryMode 0 provides less visual fidelity with the DWG file than GeometryMode 1. This will not work for entities with hatch pattern and solid fill background. The hatch lines will disappear and the entity will be filled with the foreground color. Points Created in AutoCAD Map 3D Are Not Visible in ESRI ArcGIS If you create new points in a SHP file using AutoCAD Map 3D, you may not be able to view those points in ESRI ArcGIS. To work around this problem, take the following steps:. Open the Editor toolbar in ESRI ArcGIS by clicking Tools Editor toolbar.
On the Editor toolbar, click Editor Start Editing. Click Editor Save Edits to save your changes. Assigning a Coordinate System to a Point Cloud for Indexing The point cloud feature only supports a subset of the coordinate systems available in Autodesk Map 3D.
For a list of supported coordinate systems please visit the Knowledge Base for Map page on the Autodesk Map 3D web site. If your data is in LAS format and you don't need to assign a CS, you can use the AutoCAD point cloud command to create the index. ASCII files are not supported in AutoCAD. Coordinate Systems The AutoCAD GEOGRAPHICLOCATION command is not supported in Map unless the geo-marker is setup with a Longitude/Latitude value of (0,0) and is positioned at the location (0,0,0) with a North direction equal to 0.
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If a geographic or arbitrary coordinate system is assigned to the Map, it will not be supported by the AutoCAD GEOGRAPHICLOCATION command, which only supports projected coordinate systems. This command will then behave as if the Map is not geo-referenced. Digitizing Sample Files You cannot modify sample files from a limited user account in Windows 7. To fix this issue, log on to AutoCAD Map 3D as an administrative user.
Overlay Workflow Fails To Run In a Limited User Profile If you log in as a limited user, the sample Overlay workflow fails. This issue only occurs when an administrator installs AutoCAD Map 3D, but a limited user uses the workflow. A limited user can use the following workaround to run an existing overlay workflow:. Select the Overlay workflow from the Workflow drop-down list. Click Edit. Do one of the following:.
If you want to add an Intersect layer, open the Input dialog box for Perform An Overlay On Two GIS Layers for the Intersect overlay. If you want to add an Erase layer, open the Input dialog box for Perform An Overlay On Two GIS Layers for the Erase overlay. If you want to add an Intersect layer, open the Input dialog box for Perform An Overlay On Two GIS Layers for the Intersect overlay. If you want to add an Erase layer, open the Input dialog box for Perform An Overlay On Two GIS Layers for the Erase overlay. Update the output file directory to a path where the limited user has write permission.
Update the directory to a path where the limited user has write permission to add the second overlay. Save the workflow to a location where the limited user has write permission.
FDO ArcSDE Provider ArcSDE and Expression Editor: When using the expression editor against ArcSDE data sources, you may run into an issue when enumerating all existing values for a property. SDE has a maximum distinct value configuration parameter with a default value of 512. If you try to enumerate a property value that has a larger number of distinct values, you may run into an error with message 'Stream free failed'. At this point, the connection to the SDE data store will be lost and further access to data in that connection will fail. The work around is to reset the SDE MAXDISTINCT configuration setting to a larger value. SDE provides a command line to help set the value. Sdeconfig -o alter -s localhost -i 5151 -u sde -p pwd -v maxdistinct=2048 In this example, 's' is the host name, 'i' is the port number, 'u' is an sde user name, 'p' is the password, and 'v' is the setting change.
To see the existing value, you can use the list operation. Sdeconfig -o list -s localhost -i 5151 -u sde -p pwd -P maxdistinct For further details about this configuration setting, please refer to ArcSDE documentation. FDO ArcGIS Provider. In some cases, connecting to a data source with the FDO ArcGIS provider can cause the AutoCAD materials library downloader to go into a loop. If you notice slowdown on your system after connecting to an ArcGIS source, use this workaround to disable the materials library downloader:. Exit Map 3D.
Locate AdDownloaderCore.dll in the Map3D install directory, e.g. C: Program Files Autodesk AutoCAD 2017 AdDownloaderCore.dll. Rename AdDownloaderCore.dll to something like XAdDownloaderCore.dll. This disables the downloader. Run Map 3D again. In AutoCAD Map 3D 2017, creating a new version and activating it immediately will not bring up a feature layer. To work with new version, follow these steps:.
Autocad 2017 3d Morden Drawing House
Make parent version active. Make the new version active. Refresh the feature layer.
Image. When using the MAPIINSERT command, Coordinate System transformation will take place when the both the drawing and the inserted image have Coordinate Systems with EPSG code. The insertion point's correlation shown on the Source tab of the Image Correlation dialog will show the value after the CS transformation. AutoCAD Map 3D does not support 16 bit RGB or RGBA type Mr.
Oracle. Oracle 12cR1 ( is not recommended for Industry Models with jobs. You should use other versions of Oracle like or to work with jobs. Oracle 12cR1: The default value of open cursor in Oracle 12cR1 is 300, so it may cause problems when you create some industry model like Electric North America Data Model by connecting to Oracle 12cR1 database in Infrastructure Administrator. To work around this problem, try the following steps:. On the database machine, login SQL Plus with sys. Set Open cursors=1000 via SQL Plus command: Alter system set opencursors=1000 scope=both Publishing to Infrastructure Map Server The function ‘Publish to Infrastructure Map Server’ doesn’t work well when connecting to SQL Server 2012.
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Use the following workaround when connecting to the SQL Server 2012 database:. Open the ‘Connect to Data’ dialog and look for the IndusrtyModelx connection under the ‘Add SQL Server Spatial Connection’ node. Right click on IndustryModelx then click ‘Disconnect’.
Click on the Login button in the right panel and input the username/password for the SQL Server and click ‘Connect’. Close the ‘Connect to Data’ dialog. After using these steps the publish operation should be successful. Autodesk 360 Cloud When saving to Autodesk 360 Cloud ADE project file, the attached drawings are not automatically uploaded to the cloud. The synchronization of the project file with the cloud may require manual synchronization of attached drawings. Point Cloud. Autodesk AutoCAD has enhanced the support for the new Point Cloud files (file extension RCP and RCS for project and scan files respectively.) You cannot attach PCG and ISD Point Cloud files to a drawing by menu Insert tab -Point Cloud panel -Attach.
In Autodesk AutoCAD Map 3D 2017, you can still attach ISD Point Cloud files to a drawing by command 'MAPPOINTCLOUDMANAGER'. The surface created from point clouds by command 'MAPCREATEPCSURFACE' may not be presented well at the first draw. To make it display correctly, you can switch to 2D mode and then switch back to 3D mode. Symbol Authoring After creating a symbol in the 'MapCreateSymbol' dialog, a corresponding block with the same name will be created. You should not modify this block directly (e.g. Using BEDIT). If you do and later edit this symbol in the 'MapEditSymbol' dialog, you will see the modified block instead of the original symbol definition.
Paper Space When you place a North Arrow in a layout viewport, the existed legend in the viewport may disappear. To make the legend display, you can hover over the viewport or enter ‘regen’ at the command prompt.
Display Map Duplicating a display map containing drawing layers does not work in AutoCAD Map 3D 2017. Bringing In Data Connecting to PostGIS Data Sources You can use the OSGeo PostgreSQL provider to connect to PostGIS data sources. Connecting to Oracle on Windows 7 You cannot connect to an Oracle database from a limited user account in Windows 7.
In order to connect to an Oracle database in Windows 7 log on to AutoCAD Map 3D as an administrative user. Moving Drawings Between Systems If you want to move your drawing from one computer to another, make sure that you have checked in all your features. If you do not check in all your features, AutoCAD Map 3D will not be able to populate the feature cache on the computer to which you have moved your drawing. Coordinate Systems Coordinate Systems May Display Incorrectly Certain SHP folders may contain erroneously formed Well Known Text (WKT) coordinate projection descriptions in their.PRJ files. In these cases, the coordinate system reported in the Data Connect dialog may appear to be incorrect.
Depending on the actual WKT text encountered, the discrepancy may be innocuous, and the data will be added to the map correctly. For example, some WGS-84 Lat-Lon WKT strings may inadvertently be reported as another Lat-Lon coordinate system, such as Antarctic98.LL (which has the same mathematical definition as LL84). Other Notes Updating the Map3D System User TBSYS/MAPSYS After installing a new version of AutoCAD Map 3D 2017, you must update the Map3D System User TBSYS/MAPSYS by Autodesk Industry Model Setup 2017. When you update Autodesk Infrastructure Application Extension, you must also update AutoCAD Map 3D and Infrastructure Admin.
Note: If you try to connect to TBSYS/MAPSYS using a wrong password more than 10 times, the TBSYS/MAPSYS account may be locked. Please be aware of the following changes to the subsequent releases of Map 3D:. Subsequent releases of Map 3D will not contain support for.las and.isd Point Cloud formats. System Administrator Issues System Administrator Fails to Import Some DMP Files The default export utility (EXP) is no longer supported by Oracle for 11g.
Import (IMP) is still supported for backward compatibility. Therefore, existing industry models of Oracle 10g exported by AutoCAD Map 3D can still be imported using the known functionality in System Administrator. If you export from System Administrator with Oracle 11g R2, in some cases the resulting DMP file fails to import. The export utility ignores some empty tables without displaying a warning message to the user. This creates an error when you attempt to import. As a workaround, users of Oracle 11g can use the new Oracle Data Pump utility introduced with Oracle 10g.
Oracle import/export utility dumps and Oracle Data Pump dumps are not compatible. After manually exporting a schema using Oracle Data Pump export, users can manually import the schema on the target database using Oracle Data Pump import.
The schema can then be imported as an industry models in System Administrator using Import From Existing Oracle Schema. Using Oracle 11g Data Pump Utility. Prepare database directory for export and import. You need a database directory on both the databases where you will export and import the document. By default, Oracle is pre-configured with a default data pump directory called DATAPUMPDIR.
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