Ccna 1 Companion Guide
Table Of Content. Foreword. CCNA 1: NETWORKING BASICS. Introduction to Networking. The Fundamentals of Internet Connectivity.
Overview of High-Speed and Dialup Connectivity. TCP/IP Configuration. Testing Connectivity with Ping. Web Browsers and Plug-Ins.
Mar 22, 2006 - The only authorized Companion Guide for the Cisco Networking Academy Program New and improved features help you study and succeed in. CCNA 1 and 2 Companion Guide has 66 ratings and 2 reviews. The only authorized textbook for the Cisco Networking Academy ProgramThis revised and expand.

Other Common Computer Applications. Binary Numbers.
Bits, Bytes, and Measurement Terms. Check Your Understanding. Networking Fundamentals. Networking Terminology.
Digital Bandwidth. Analogies That Describe Digital Bandwidth. Networking Models.
Network Topologies. Check Your Understanding.
Networking Media. Electricity Basics.
Measuring Electricity. Copper Media. Optical Media. Wireless Communications. Wireless Networking. Check Your Understanding. Cable Testing and Cabling LANs and WANs.
Background for Studying Frequency-Based Cable Testing. Viewing Signals in Time and Frequency.
Noise in Time and Frequency. Analog and Digital Bandwidth. Signals and Noise on Networking Media. Other Test Parameters. Cabling the LANs. LAN Connection Devices.
Workstation and Server Relationships. Cabling the WAN. Check Your Understanding. Ethernet Fundamentals. History and Evolution of Ethernet.
Ethernet Operation. Collision Domains and Broadcast Domains.
Check Your Understanding. Ethernet Technologies and Ethernet Switching. 10-Mbps and 100-Mbps Ethernet. Gigabit, 10-Gb, and Future Ethernet.
Networking Basics Ccna 1 Companion Guide Pdf
Ethernet Switching. Check Your Understanding. TCP/IP Protocol Suite and IP Addressing. Introduction to TCP/IP. IP Addresses. IP Address Assignment, Acquisition, and Hierarchy. Review Questions.
Routing Fundamentals and Subnets. Routed, Routable, and Routing Protocols. The Mechanics of Subnetting. Check Your Understanding.
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TCP/IP Transport and Application Layer. Understanding the TCP/IP Transport Layer. TCP/IP Application Layer. Check Your Understanding. CCNA 2: ROUTERS AND ROUTING BASICS. WANs and Routers. WAN Characteristics.
Check Your Understanding. Router Fundamentals. Router Boot Sequence and Setup Mode. Establishing a HyperTerminal Session. Logging into the Router.
Cisco IOS Software Editing Commands. Router Command History. Cisco IOS Software Fundamentals. Troubleshooting Cisco IOS Software. Check Your Understanding.
Router Configuration. Command-Line Interface Command Modes. Configuring a Router Name. Configuring and Protecting Router Passwords. Examining the show Commands. Configuring a Serial Interface. Configuring an Ethernet Interface.
Executing Changes to the Router. Finishing the Configuration. Password Recovery. Check Your Understanding.
Learning About Neighboring and Remote Devices. Introduction to CDP. Getting Information About Remote Devices. Check Your Understanding. Managing Cisco IOS Software. Stages of the Router Power-On/Boot Sequence. Locating and Loading Cisco IOS Software.
Managing Cisco IOS Software Images. Check Your Understanding. Routing and Routing Protocols. Routing Basics. Static Routing. Dynamic Routing Overview.
Identifying the Classes of Routing Protocols. Configuring a Router to Use Routing Protocols.
Autonomous Systems and IGP vs. Check Your Understanding. Distance Vector Routing Protocols.
Initial Router Configuration. Distance Vector Routing. Only authorized textbook of the Cisco Networking Academy Program CCNA curriculum Maps to revised 3.0 Web-based curriculum Expanded chapters on difficult topics Expanded CD-ROM that includes CCNA practice questions, e-Labs, PhotoZooms, and more For use within the CCNA 1 and 2 courses within the Cisco Networking Academy Program. There are currently over 130,000 students enrolled in the CCNA program through the Networking Academy. The revised CCNA 3.0 will be available to the instructors in the spring 2003. This Companion Guide will map directly to the new curriculum and is considered the core textbook of the course. It presents the students with strong pedagogy and learning aids.
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In addition, the book goes beyond the Web-based course with enhanced chapters on more difficult subjects, such as VLSM, cabling, and ripV2. The companion CD-ROM includes over 300 CCNA practice questions to begin preparation for the CCNA exam, e-Lab Activities, PhotoZooms of equipment, and instructional videos. The authors are the developers of the Web-based Curriculum for the Cisco Networking Academy Program. The developers and authors of this book have extensive teaching backgrounds and are experts in the online learning environment. An average book I got this book to go along with the first networking course in the Cisco certification program. The book is not required as the material is also present online when you take the course, but If you want to have a something tangible to read, this would be a companion.
The book is pretty average, and may be because various people contributed to the material, there is a lot of repetetion. At least the first 10 or 11 chapters are very basic, so if you are looking for a detailed networking book to study by yourself, this probably is not the right one for you. They also have recently changed the order of materials presented on the online version, so sometimes you would have to look through in order to get the topics you want.
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