Holden Viva Owner Manual

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Apr 20, 2006 - 5 Door Hatch. 4 Cylinder, 1.8 Litre. Manual, Front Wheel Drive. Petrol - Unleaded ULP. Features; Related Reviews. HOLDEN VIVA 2002-2008 Workshop Service Repair Manual Download. The manual for HOLDEN VIVA 2002-2008 is DOWNLOAD. Holden Viva 2006 Service Manual Our cars. Owners manual meant for product owner who's in search of online copy of their manual guide. You may use the.

Hey guys, thanks for all the replies. I have found: ford focus, 2007 done around 90ks selling for $11990 (is this a good price?) ford again, 2003 done 50ks same price as above will defs look at camry corolla all i could find are the older models, which I do not really like thought about the swift, yaris and jazz – above my budget There is a reason some cars are more expensive even when they are a little older. They are usually the ones that are extremely reliable. Even so you should be able to get a Camry auto cheaper that otherwise as they are a very very common fleet car and heaps of them are sold. Don't be too worried about the age of the Camry (8 years is no problem) be more concerned about the condition, mileage and servicing. They are rock sold reliable but pretty boring and not as spritely as a Commodore.


I found a focus 2005 done 101,000ks for 9950? Is this alright or should I look for less ks? I really need a second opinion thanks A Ford Focus is a great if you want a car with great driving dynamics, character, is Euro and ownership costs are not a primary concern, If you want a cheap car to run which you basically just put petrol in and service it occasionally then buy a Japanese car like a Corolla, Yaris, Mazda 3, Mazda 2 etc. They cost more than an equivalent Ford second hand because they have a great reputation for reliability and hence have great resale value.

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Viva Owner


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