Fcc Grol Exam Study Guide
Sep 12, 2017 - The exam consists of questions from the following categories. The FCC does not certify schools or review study materials, and the FCC does.
Way back in 1968 I was in high school. My electronic instructor told me about amateur radio and commercial licenses. I had my amateur ticket but I could only dream of a commercial license.
Upon graduation I HELD a Second Class Radiotelephone License. I worked for that license harder than I worked for my high school diploma. In fact, I consider that commercial license AS my diploma because I worked for it. California schools would graduate a student if only he showed up. Joined the Navy and later got a First Class Radiotelephone ticket endorsed for Ship Radar. Renewed it in the 1980's or early 90's and guess what.
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The FCC sent me a GROL telling me that I don't need a license anyway anymore. Used to be that if you had a commercial ticket you could get hired, and I did. Now maybe you need an EE degree and no license needed. Keep at studying.
Just maybe I'm full of it. By The Way, used to be that the Amatuer Advanced was a lot like the Second Class Commercial Radiotelephone exam. Time I got through all of that and Navy electronic school the Extra was a piece of cake. ButI suppose to even get a foot in the door you need a GROL.
Just some idle comments. Alan WB6THE amatuer P1-5-16858 Commercial w/Ship Radar Logged.
For what it's worth, I took the GROL exam in 1994 right after I upgraded my ham ticket to Advanced Class. The VE told me that the GROL was nearly identical to the Advanced exam, so a month later, I took a whack at it. The test mirrored much of the Advanced test! Unfortunately, the GROL is not worth too much these days, but it was nice to get it. I guess there are still a few jobs that require it, but it is NOT needed in the broadcast (AM, FM, TV) business in the U.S. Tom, KR4BD Lexington, KY Logged. Is it Equis Morti or Equis Mortus or even Equis Mortum.
The horse is dead. I've posted here before about this. In the 60's if one held an FCC Second Class Radiotelephone License a job in 2-way radio was almost assured and indeed I got one right out of high school. Now, maybe it wasn't all that bad a test but I sure did study for it and I considered that FCC Second Class Radio Telephone License more valuable than my high school diploma. Joined the Navy and was in the engineroom of all places but I got my FCC 1st Class with Ship Radar Endorsement. I fixed the ship's radar one time and I was an engineroom mechanic!
Well, I was allowed to hang out at a local TV station without pay just to observe what goes on in case when I returned to civilian life that I might get a job at it.Tempus Fugit. I never had a job as an FCC 1 with RADAR. It was the accomplishment. No way I could go to college but at one time that license was as good as college. In the 80's I went to renew my FCC 1 with Ship Radar and the FCC gave me a GROL and told me that I didn't need it anymore anyway.
What a kick in the butt, kinda like telling you that your college degree is null and void. Just griped me off. I'm NO genius but the license was an accomplishment. And by the way. The Amateur Advanved back in those days really was a LOT like FCC 2, it was an SOB at least for me. The EXTRA was a piece of cake. Theory exam was easy and 20 WPM.
Fcc Grol Exam Study Guide Download
The examiner engineer let me send one line and told me to go take the written exam. Well the times have changed. I respect the licenses, amateur or commercial as being valid but I worked harder for mine. And I walked up-hill BOTH directions to get to school and back.
For what its worth I submit my short story. Get that GROL because you may need it and its a measure of something you did. This is my disserattion after several 807's and many years. Retired now and just an 18 WPM CW ham, now.
ARRGHHH thanks for reading my sea-story. Now this aint't NO. And Once Upon a time/ Well, Im as good HAM as I ever war. Aeeghhhh Logged. I highly recommend fccexams.com. While you can download the question pool for all FCC commercial exams (not unlike the USCG deck and engine room exams) from the Internet, fccexams.com will allow you to use their test simulator for $10.00 for any one of the commercial exams for an unlimited amount of time and, I believe, refund your money. The good thing about this simulator randomizes the questions, so even though you may memorize questions and answers, it makes it much more realistic.
Fcc Grol Exam
As I've said in other posts, unless you want the GMDSS Operator or Maintainer for your own edification or sense of accomplishment (or if you have decided to install GMDSS equipment on your recreational/voluntarily equipped vessel), save your money because you'll need to get your STCW from the Coast Guard (and in which case, you'll probably have paid for testing when you get your certificate from your training course, which is sufficient to submit with your application for GMDSS licensure with the FCC). 73, Michael KC8WUC/WDE9344 (in port in Toulon, France) Logged.
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