Gardner Denver Blower Service Manuals

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Model: Cycloblower A5CDL9 Lubrication: Dual Splash Oil Lube Inlet Connection: 5' FLANGE Outlet Connection:5' FLANGE Max RPM: 4000 Max Pressure PSI:. Jun 29, 2012 - manual is written to give the operator and maintenance department. Your Gardner Denver Sutorbilt blower is a precision engineered blower.

. 3–600 GARDNER DENVER 6th Edition June, 1997 DUPLEX POWER PUMP MODELS: – 5” FXG – 6” FXX – 8” FXD – 10” FXE – 10” OPERATING AND SERVICE MANUAL. For the location of your local authorized Gardner Denver and OPI distributor refer to the yellow pages of your phone directory or contact. FOREWORD Gardner Denver and OPI pumps are the result of advanced engineering and skilled manufacturing. To be assured of receiving maximum service from this machine the owner must exercise care in its operation and maintenance.

This book is written to give the operator and maintenance department essential information for day–to–day opera- tion, maintenance and adjustment. TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction.Repair Parts Ordering Instructions.

INDEX Baffle, Fluid Piston Rod.Fluid Valves. Recommended Running Clearances High Pressure Special Fluid.FXD, FXE and FXX Power Pumps.High Temperature. SONAL INJURY, DEATH AND/OR EQUIPMENT damage and possible injury. The original parts used in DAMAGE, READ AND THOROUGHLY UNDER- Gardner Denver pumps are designed and tested to ex- STAND THE FOLLOWING DANGER NOTICES acting standards to provide high quality performance PLUS THE ENTIRE OPERATING AND SERVICE and durability. Carefully swing the hammer to avoid striking Covers and guards are intended to not only protect themselves, another person and objects other against personal injury or death, but to also protect the than the targeted lugs or hammer bar.

Equipment from damage from foreign objects. Avoid swinging the hammer above shoulder EQUIPMENT MOVING AND LIFTING height. For these smaller loads the lifting devices should be The relief valve should be placed in the flowing dis- fastened to the lifting attachments normally built into charge line and not at the opposite end of the discharge the individual motor, engine, pump or transmission/ manifold in a dead end connection. In summary, high pressure fluid streams can possess Proper stuffing box packing selection is important for sufficient energy to cause personal injury, death and/or safe pump operation.

Contact a Gardner Denver Ma- equipment damage. These results can occur either chinery service representative for assistance in select- through direct contact with the fluid stream or by con- ing the proper packing before beginning operation. Contact a charge system for use in jetting, Gardner Denver Machinery service representative for blasting, cleaning, etc. This type of assistance in selecting the proper gaskets, seals and equipment must be used with utmost packing before beginning operation. vent the automatic shut–off for any reason or by any guns, hoses, connections or any other pressurized means when operating the equipment. System components. When operating any type of high pressure liquid jetting, All pressure containing devices including wands, blasting or cleaning devices the operators must always nozzles, guns, connections, etc., plus all automatic wear protective clothing including, but not limited to, a shut–off, pressure and control equipment should be.


SECTION 2 INSTALLATION & OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS FOR GARDNER DENVER FXF, FXG, FXX, FXD and FXE DUPLEX POWER PUMPS INSTALLATION – The pump should be installed as Fluid Inlet or Suction Piping – Inlet piping should be close to the fluid supply as possible. Whenever pos. Improper use or maintenance of relief valves can cause excessive pressure which may result in property damage and/or serious personal injury or death. When the pump is equipped with Shear Type Relief Valve, use only one Shear Pin of the size shown on the setting plate. Temperature Pressure Texture –20 F to 212 F 0 to 125 PSI Soft (–28.9 C to 100 C) (0 to 8.79 kg/cm2) –20 F to 300 F 100 to 500 PSI Medium (–28.9 C to 148.9 C) (7.03 to 35.15 kg/cm) 30 F to 300 F 500 to 1000 PSI Hard. Valve seats can be removed with a puller which can be adjusted against the liners and the locknuts tightened. Purchased from Gardner Denver Machinery Inc.

Be sure packing is installed under set screw nuts to pre- vent leakage STARTING A NEW PUMP –. PREFERRED ROTATION OF ECCENTRIC FIGURE 7 – ROTATION OF ECCENTRIC. SECTION 3 ROUTINE MAINTENANCE & SERVICE INSTRUCTIONS FIGURE 8 – JACKSHAFT ASSEMBLY Daily Care – The pump should be kept clean, lubri- bly.

To remove the gear and eccentric, it is necessary cated properly and stuffing boxes examined daily. With to remove the main shaft.

To Install Main Bearings For All Pumps – 1. Install eccentric with gear teeth in correct position in frame. Install main shaft through opening in frame and through eccentric.

Heat and press bearing cones to shaft. Install bearing cups. There should be no space between A41503 the bearing cones and seal bushing.

When ordering parts lists or repairs, always give size and serial number of pump. Serial number is stamped on the pump nameplate attached to frame and also on a raised pad located on upper side of the power frame Pressures are maximum permissible at the fluid cylinder end. SECTION 4 DIMENSIONS & RUNNING CLEARANCES POWER END OIL STOP HEAD DIMENSIONS Stuffing Box Net Depth Of Power Size Rod Diameter Diameter Stuffing Box Model Inches Inches Inches Inches 15/ 1–3/4 44.45 22.225 152.4 25.4 1–13/ 22.225 203.2 1–1/2 38.1 2–1/2. DATA FOR FXD, FXE, AND FXX POWER PUMPS POWER END AND STROKE RECOMMENDED RUNNING CLEARANCES FXD & FXE (Actual dimensions are for new pumps and are 10 In. (254.0 mm) Stroke 8 In. (203.2 mm) Stroke possible cumulative tolerances.) (Condemnable indicates replacement necessary.) Inches Inches.

DATA FOR FXG AND FXF POWER PUMPS POWER END AND STROKE RECOMMENDED RUNNING CLEARANCES (Actual dimensions are for new pumps and are 6 In. (152.4 mm) Stroke 5 In. (127.0 mm) Stroke possible cumulative tolerances.) (Condemnable indicates replacement necessary.) Inches Inches Min. TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS POWER FXD FXD FXD FXE FXE FXE MODEL FXX FXX FXX. FLUID CYLINDER TYPE (Column 4 of Matrix) ft–lbs kg–m ft–lbs kg–m ft–lbs kg–m ft–lbs kg–m Fluid Cylinder to Frame 29.0 81.6 81.6. SECTION FIVE TROUBLESHOOTING FAILURE TO DELIVER REQUIRED VOLUME: (a) Pump not primed.

(b) Insufficient speed. (c) Fluid liner worn.

(d) Suction lift too high. (e) Air leaks in suction or stuffing boxes. Foot valve too small or clogged. (g) Suction pipe not immersed deep enough. (h) Fluid piston packing worn. GENERAL PROVISIONS AND LIMITATIONS Labor shall be limited to the amount specified in the Company’s labor rate schedule. Gardner Denver Machinery Inc.

(the “Company”) war- rants to each original retail purchaser (“Purchaser”) of its Labor costs in excess of the Company rate schedules.

Gardner Denver Blower Parts

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