Tcg Engine Manual
. TCG 250 Floor Grinder Operation and Maintenance Manual Technical Department. TCG250, please do not hesitate to exhaust gases are poisonous. BE VERY CAREFUL WITH HOT contact your local Trelawny dealer or We strongly advise you to visit the COMPONENTS.
Read the manual carefully before operating this machine. TCG 31EBS/TCG 31EBS (L). Be careful of the engine.
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The exhaust and agent. Alwa ys welc om e Health &. OPERATION In addition, scarifying blocks and Each unit is fully tested and the 230v and 415v Motors wire brushes are available which can overload relays have been calibrated Take particular care when using be fitted in place of the grinding a n d s e t a c c o r d i n g. Ensure that the machine is started for use in the pharmaceutical or food by neat fuel if switched off from high on a level surface. Industries, Trelawny can supply engine revolutions.) Open the engine fuel tap. Special HEPA filtered vacuums Release the „hold to run‟. MAINTENANCE Belt Installation & Grinding Block Diamond Disc/Q.R.
Adjustment Replacement Plate Replacement Switch off the engine powered Switch off the engine powered versions and allow the engine to Removal versions and allow the engine to cool completely, disconnect electric R e m o v e t h e t o p c o v e r. Use above information in conjunction with the Honda / Briggs and Stratton Operation and Maintenance Manual.
If problem has not been cured by any of the above actions, contact your local Trelawny SPT dealership for assistance. EXPLODED VIEW. PARTS LIST Item Part No. Description Item Part No. Description 822.2000 Rubber grip (x2) 831.0820 M8 x 20 hex bolt 345.9220 Vacuum takeoff tube 811.1008 M8 shake proof washer 828.0138/ 3/8” ball valve/ 345.9223 Belt guard 826.0183/ bulkhead connector/ 819.0385 hose tail 350.9121 Wheel (x2). ITEM Part Number DESCRIPTION ITEM Part Number DESCRIPTION OTHER PARTS NOT SHOWN IN EXPLODED VIEW 230v Lovato Starter Box Components 320.7110 110v starter assembly Contactor (Lovato) 230v 841.2616 320.7112 230v starter assembly 841.2625 Overload Relay 230v/415v 4-6.5amp 320.7114 415v starter assembly 841.2621 Start Contact (Lovato) all versions 841.2104. PARTS LIST model specific Model variant by part Motor/engine/starter Motor bolts Motor nuts Motor washers number (D=Diamond Disc) N4 shaft prior to 2014 350.9500 Honda N4 345.2000 shaft 806.5610 (x2) 824.0810 (x2) 811.1008 (x8) 5.5HP petrol 345.9500 Honda N1 shaft 350.9500 Honda N4 345.2000D shaft.
Media Types - Metal Bond Tools Image Part Number Tool Description PCD Removal Diamond Anti Clock Wise 365.5495L For removal of coatings, adhesives & toppings PCD Removal Diamond Clock Wise 365.5495R For removal of coatings, adhesives & toppings 16 Grit Single (Quick Release) Soft Bond 365.5500 For very course grinding and thin coating removal 16 Grit Double (Quick Release) Soft Bond. Media Types - Resin Bond Tools Image Part Number Tool Description 365.5605 50 Grit Hybrid 365.5610 100 Grit Hybrid 365.5620 200 Grit Hybrid 365.5602A 200 Grit Resin Bond 365.5604A 400 Grit Resin Bond 365.5608A 800 Grit Resin Bond 365.5618A 1500 Grit Resin Bond 365.5635A 3000 Grit Resin Bond 350.5666. LAFERT ELECTRIC MOTOR EXPLODED VIEW 110v & 230v Motors Only the most commonly used motor components are carried in stock at Trelawny SPT Ltd. These items are listed under the Lafert Motor heading in the parts list on the previous page. WIRING DIAGRAMS. WIRING DIAGRAMS. All rights reserved.
Any unauthorised use or copying of the contents or part thereof is prohibited. This applies to trademarks, model denominations, part numbers and drawings. Use only genuine Trelawny spares. The use of non-Trelawny spare parts invalidates the warranty.
Honda Engine Manual
Trelawny SPT Ltd 13 Highdown Road, Sydenham Industrial Estate, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire, CV31 1XT, United Kingdom Telephone: +44 (0)1926 883781 - Fax: +44 (0)1926 450352 Email: © TSPT UK 2013 Part No: 735.5270 issue 11.11.16.

Gas engine TCG 2020 / TCG 2020 K1, V12, V12 (1.0), V16, V20 – For the highest ratings in ecology and economy!. Output range from 1,000 to 2,000 kW el. Best electrical and thermal efficiency in its output class. Runs on all gas types: natural gas, biogas, landfill gas, sewage gas, mine gas, etc. Low operating costs. TCG 2020 is mainly used for CHP plants in Europe and for biogas worldwide.
Tecumseh Engine Manual
The TCG 2020 V12 (1.0) is specifically optimized for the 1 MW el capacity range, with even lower operating and maintenance costs. TCG 2020K was especially adapted to non-ISO conditions such as high altitudes or high intake air temperatures in the field of natural gas. More than 2000 with approximately 2,800,000 kW el already installed around the globe. High Reliability - Gas Engine TCG 2020 / TCG 2020 K Few Interruptions Due to Long Maintenance Intervals. No more than two interruptions a year due to scheduled maintenance.
Longest interval until major overhaul compared to competitors. Use of Xchange components enables time savings of up to 75 percent during the major overhaul, resulting in reduced costs High Reliability through Mature Drive Technology in 60 Hz Range. Engine can be operated with an optimum speed of 1500 RPM.
Lower speed ensures stable and complete combustion, resulting in lower CO emissions and less component wear and tear.
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