Ge Ex 2000 Manual
Use GE charger in the package to charge the lithium battery only. Do not expose the lens to direct sunlight for ex. 4 ~ 1/2000 second (Manual 30 seconds). Ge Ex 2000 Manual pdf available today for download. Get this Ge Ex 2000 Manual ebook in PDF, ePub, doc, PDF, DjVu and txt file format.
File Name: Size: 1230 KB Uploaded: - This page is frequently updated and contains information about the book, past and current users, and the software. This page also contains a link to all known errors in the book, the accompanying slides, and the software. Since the solutions manual is distributed electronically, all known errors are immediately fixed and no list of errors is maintained. Instructors are advised to visit this site periodically; they can also register at this site to be notified of important changes by email. (read: privacy policy). Archives of A scholarship is money given to pay or offset school bills and lower the number of student loans you need. The quantities can range from only a few dollars to an all hen type.
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Excitation System reliability and availability can be a matter of skilled routine maintenance activity and proficient troubleshooting capability. Proficient troubleshooting is greatly aided by a solid operational understanding of the excitation system and its voltage regulator. This Seminar gives technicians and engineers the necessary knowledge to maintain, repair and calibrate an Excitation System with the EX2000 Voltage Regulator:. Using effective routine maintenance practices. Knowing what checks may be performed on-line and how to perform these checks without causing an equipment shutdown. Increasing the likelihood of accurate problem diagnosis by thoroughly understanding how the equipment operates.
Increasing the likelihood of accurate problem diagnosis by understanding any given circuit's impact upon operations; ie., quickly linking the symptom(s) to the faulty circuit. Verifying suspected faulty circuit by analyzing voltage levels and/or signal traces. Understanding the necessary calibrations, after the faulty part has been replaced, including how the calibrations are performed. HPC's EX2000 Excitation System Seminar makes heavy use of prints, on which the participants are encouraged to take notes. This provides a valuable reference for future use. In addition, the student manuals contain a complete description of the excitation system operation. Topics include: Excitation System Fundamentals, EX2000 Features, One-Line Diagram, Cabinet Layout, Board Interconnections and Descriptions, Control Core Software Functions, Protective Functions, Programmer, ST2000, IOS and Peripheral.
Ge Ex 2000 Exciter
OBJECTIVES: Upon successful completion of this Seminar the participant will be able to:. Discuss how an excitation system accomplishes voltage and VAR control. Discuss the primary and secondary roles of an excitation system. Discuss the major excitation system components, including limit and protective features. Demonstrate the ability to read the EX2000 documentation, including:. Elementary Diagrams.
Interconnection Diagrams. Faults. Functional Blocks. Hardware Configurable Items. Demonstrate an understanding of the EX2000 board interconnections.
Demonstrate an understanding of the Control Core Software Functions. Demonstrate an understanding of the Protection Module Software Functions. Demonstrate an understanding of the Software Functions. Demonstrate the knowledge necessary to use the Programmer. Demonstrate familiarity and knowledge necessary to use the Intelligent Operator Station. Demonstrate an understanding of the peripheral functions.
Demonstrate an ability to properly use 'Toolbox' software functions.
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