Same Tractors Parts Manual

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  1. Same Tractor Parts Manual

Resources The following resources are provided as a service. In the case of manuals, we recommend clicking on applicable links with your mouses right button and use 'SAVE AS' to save the resource to your own computer. That allows you to either print a section or an entire document. In the case of tips or tricks, try highlighting the text or page and print out for your own use. PLEASE NOTE: Clicking on the link with the left mouse button will load it for viewing.

Mahindra has a comprehensive Parts catalog of parts and fluids to keep your tractor. Up to 25,000 Mahindra-tough parts, same day shipping and online returns. Keep your Mahindra Tractor and Utility Vehicle running like the day you.

That process can take quite a while and often will be faster to simply download the file as recommended. Tractor Manuals All models of early tractors up to and including 988.30 version, transporters and powered carts Only English version available. Covers all early tractors up to and including the 988.30 English version of the 986 user manual. Applicable to most models with small differences. English version of the big frame Pasquali's from the 80's and 90's. English version of the parts pages for the big frame Pasquali's. Operation and Maintenance for the Goldoni Universal family of tractors.

Goldoni Base 20 Service Manual Unfortunately scanned upside down, but still useful for understanding the tractor (For 22.K3E) Shop manual for the big frame Ferrari tractors, 75 / 76. Includes the parts pages. User manual in Italian that includes the parts diagrams for the 75 / 76 tractors. User manual for the later big frame Ferrari. This was an improved version of the 75 and a monster torque machine. User manual for the next generation of Ferrari. These tractors were not as large and scaling back to a more compact unit.


Parts manual for the 95 articulating tractor. Parts manual for the 95 rigid steer tractor. A parts manual with great exploded diagrams. Engine Manuals Gives the newer engine numbers for the older LDA models (basically the same engines) Covers starting procedures and some basic electrical on the single cylinder engines. Covers the rebuild on Lombardini singles, covers the LDA 100 and 820 Covers the Lombardini 914, 952 Covers the RD901/2, RD92/2 Covers three of the VM diesels, including the RA 394 Slanzi twin Service Manual recommendation - 'Clymer Small Diesel Engine Repair Manual' (Available on Amazon or on-line book stores) Hydraulic Steering Valve Manuals Shows the overhaul of a Danfoss steering valve.

Actual Eaton service manual. Tips and tricks Tractor work and improvements Tiller Manuals Ferrari 72S parts manual is too large a file to link to. We can send this to you on request.

Ferrari 72S user manual is too large a file to link to. We can send this to you on request. ​Tips and Tricks Pasquali Brochures Late 1970's to 1990's Pasquali tractors. Almost all medium frame tractor models were the same tractor with different engines. Historical documents and some of the older advertisements.

Implements that were available for Pasquali tractors. Note the blade, tiller and Loader were the only common attachments.

Same Tractor Parts Manual

While a couple of backhoes have come up for sale, everything else is rare. Powered trailers are almost impossible to find (I know, we all want one). While the original logging winches are rare, there are 3 pt.

Hitch FARMI winches that come up from time to time. Walking Tillers. Please note that while few of these made it over to North America, we do carry clutch and engine parts for these. Goldoni Brochures In construction. CAST Tractor Brochures Officine di Casaralta Trattori of Bologna Italy. A rare, 4WD, 4 wheel suspension and 4 wheel steering tractor from the 1970's.

This unique tractor had many features later adopted by Euro tractor builders like turret seating and multi wheel steering. The first CAST tractor was registered with the UMA in 1967. If you have information on the CAST tractors, own one or have sourced auto parts that can be used to repair them, please contact us or Dale at Dale is a CAST tractor owner, the 'go to CAST guy' in North America and interested in collecting CAST information. Of special interest are the ball joints and CV joints used. We understand these were off the shelf auto parts, but there is little information available.

Euro tractors in action: Note: Pasquali, Goldoni, Ferrari, Valpadana, Carraro and Pierre are Italian made tractors. The 'Tomo Vinkovic' tractors are built in Yugoslavia under license from Pasquali and Holder is a German company. Euro equipment in action: Italian agricultural equipment is second to none world wide. Tortella, Maschio, Selvitici and Celli are examples of equipment manufacturers. Imants is a Dutch manufacturer also known for advanced designs. European agricultural equipment is fascinating and should serve as inspiration to the rest of the world.

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